Unstoppable Musician Project
How Do I Become An Unstoppable Musician?
Vol. 1 — free PDF. Covers core concepts, with videos so you can actually apply this together with the step-by-step instructions. Available on Amazon.
Vol. 2 — a collection of articles that dive deeper into topics covered in Vol. 1. Available on Amazon TBD.
Vol. 3 — from a teaching perspective, much of the original Solfege Teaching Guide but expanded. Available on Amazon TBD.
Dannhaüser Solfege Book I Piano Accompaniment
Unstoppable Musician Workbook
Vol. 1 - Vol. x - covers relevant lessons in the remainder of the 171 exercises in Dannhauser Solfege Book I. CDs/DVDs will either be included or sold separately. This will mirror the Unstoppable Musicianship Bootcamp. TBD
Original Material
The Unstoppable Musician (Chinese translation) - this was done by Cathie, an astronomer in Shanghai, using ChatGPT. Thank you!!!
On Amazon - original first edition of Solfege Teaching Guide in Kindle and paperback (will be discontinued when the second edition is officially published)
Unstoppable Musicianship Book 1 Bootcamp - covering Dannhaüser Book 1, taught the way Mlle. Combe taught solfege at French School (plus some critical additions from exposure at Juilliard)
Part 1 covers exercises 1 - 100
Part 2 covers exercises 101 - 171
Origin Story
L’Étude du Piano (The Study of Piano) - Mlle. Combe had a very wrecked copy of this book, with many areas marked in pencil. This is a work in progress and contains both the original French text and English translation (using an online translator), as well as the areas she highlighted. This is the origin story for my dad’s book Fundamentals of Piano Practice. Last updated 5/12/2023.
L’Étude du Piano (Chinese translation) - also done by Cathie using ChatGPT, of the portions highlighted by Mlle. Combe.
L’Art de Développer Le Sentiment Musical Chez l’Enfant (The Art of Developing Musical Sentiment in Children) - referenced in L’Étude du Piano and highlighted by Mlle. Combe.
Conseils d’Un Professeur (Advice from a teacher) - referenced in L’Étude du Piano, OCR, translated, no clean up.
Les Timides et La Timidité (Shy People and Shyness) - referenced in L’Étude du Piano, partially translated, more for therapists, mostly out of scope.