Slaying the Performance Anxiety Beast (Part 2) eileensauerJune 17, 2016performance anxiety, stage frightComment
Ninja Decision Making: A Case Study eileensauerJune 30, 2015decision making, empowerment, leadership, lessons learned, problem solvingComment
Super-antifragilistic-expialidocious eileensauerApril 28, 2015Antifragility, chaos, distill, heuristics, risk, transformComment
You want to be in the driver's seat? Then steer eileensauerOctober 5, 2014SEP, consulting, self-confidenceComment
So you're not a walking dictionary? That's OK eileensauerSeptember 20, 2014memory, organization, project management, strengths, weaknessesComment
Focus on the Goose, not the Golden Egg eileensauerSeptember 15, 2014consulting, non-attachmentComment
Using OO as a Learning Efficiency Mechanism eileensauerSeptember 5, 2014efficiency, learning, music, ooComment
If you had a Maserati, why would you keep the emergency brake on? eileensauerMarch 6, 2014leadership, self-empowerment, trustComment